Our Partners


Oregon Health & Science University’s Remedy Team

OHSU was one of the first organizations to step up and support our work. Their generous donations of surplus medical supplies and equipment are shipped to Angola and utilized at the foundation’s clinic in Caucao.

GLORYBEE, Laguanitas Brewing Company,
& La Familia Cafe

Each of these business have come on board as sponsors at our fundraising events and donors to the ongoing work of the foundation.

Dave’s Killer Bread

Dave Dahl, Co-Founder of Dave’s Killer Bread is a friend and advocate for our work. His generosity has allowed us to make strategic equipment purchases for the clinic. Most recently we were able to purchase a chemistry analyzer that allows us to run labs on site, and deliver faster results to our healthcare team.

Sea legs media

Since 2018 the Sea Legs team has volunteered their time and effort produce media that helps us tell our story well. Their commitment to our mission can be seen the film and photography on this website.